Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thank you God

Am still finding it strange to write though I have a lot to write about. Thank you God for today

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Am back!

Wow! Am turning back. Missed bulging, missed writing, was scared I had lost my blog but am here now. The feeling is great and so fresh...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Facing your own indifference

“Our minds are the battle grounds in which our battles are won or lost; it is the last frontier before our victories. You and I can get to anywhere from where we are, we can become anything we dream or chose to become” I got this from a post of one of my favorite bloggers, well, It’s totally up to us as the quote says, we’ve been given the power. Great things however do not happen to us by coincidence, to become and arrive at the right destination, we must become the right people.

Last night, I couldn’t sleep; I tried to read some book that I have been reading …. Well I admit that I have read the book for almost six months now and its a 496 paged book which is my worst since I learnt how to read but I know I will finish it somehow, and since my brain was not focused on the book quick query ran through my mind and it was like...what would I want from my life? Am I wondering on aimlessly taking life as it comes? This startled me, I put the book aside and embarked on this question that was kind of tormenting my mind. I thought real hard and had all sorts of imaginations of life and in the end I was in agreement with my self that confronting life was the best thing to do, but how does one start it?

I must admit that confrontation isn’t always something that I enjoy, but then I have to say what has to be said or face what is to be faced. Right there from where you are, you can begin to live a brand new changed life, from right now. The greatest change that can happen to any human is a change of thought, a foundational change in philosophy or perspective. We are who we are, until we challenge who we are, empty our cups and open up ourselves for greater possibilities. Let me be frank with you, the reason you are where you are currently is because that’s how far the way you think can take you. If you are broke, angry, frustrated or unhappy, you were led there by your thoughts. If you want more, better, or greater, then you need to think differently. Einstein said it correctly, when he said that the level of thinking that solves a problem must be different from the level of thinking that created it.

So many times, I believe we wish we could go back in time and do them with a different result; we resign our selves in living in consequences’ of the mistakes we made. But one thing that I believe everyone must know is that you cant have ado- over but rather we have to face our own indifferences’ then reposition our selves and have a makeover, and the interesting bit about it is that it doesn’t involve any dieting of some sort, anew wardrobe or even plastic surgery.

I think its time to stop burying our heads in the sand, stop being afraid of hoping and reflect on what life means and where it’s headed. Its time to stop being afraid and want more and go after more, time to unplug the life support system of complacency to which you have been attached for so long and inhale deeply from the winds of change that are now blowing your way. Everyone can have a better life but the question is are you willing to fight for it? Are you willing to face your own indifferences?

Till then…..

Not forgotten yet.....

Hey my people, its been so long, actually close to two years but with the kind of my work schedule,it has not given me time to update this blog of mine but none the less i will still keep blogging.I love this blog, much as I may have deserted it, I still love it and I don’t think I will ever neglect it at all. I may take long to update it no matter how long it takes; I will still come back to my blog.

Life has not been at its best for me, there has been some ups and down but am still pushing on and all the glory goes to God.

All this while I have been busy working and trying to make sure that I live a very comfortable life just as God intended it for me, I have been in the financial field for now 5 good years and guess what I feel I should change and do something that is more like humanities or so…. Am not yet decided at this. For me to be able to do this I need to study a maters degree in Public health which I think will be the gate opener to this new found love of mine, but then is public health the right way to go?

I am sorry about the hiatus; I have been away but not gone, as some folks will know.

I would like to stress that I cannot wait for this year to be over. It has been odd. I have definitely learned some things. Do you know that being creative can be a curse (at the risk of sounding conceited). There are many things that I can do, too many. The problem for me is that I need to figure out which nail to hammer. As I have mentioned before (I think) I got made redundant earlier this year, I was sad and relieved at the same time. Banking pays but it does not speak to my soul, I am an idealist like that, what ever it is I end up doing, has to make my heart hum. So, here in lies the dilemma. In the past 12 months, I have thought of having this kind of children’s boutique from the one day old to eighteen years old, start a disadvantaged children and women’s home……I really have a lot on my mind but then I do not know which one I would like to concentrate my energies on, I enjoy doing all these things. Ah, it is driving me mad. I want to be less interested, less inclined to indulge myself in my many interests. Does this sound like I am thinking about anything?

By the way a distant cousin of mine is getting married on Saturday and I have been forced to spend some good money on the Gomesi. I am very annoyed about that, I feel cheated. I love my cousin; he is a nice guy but I feel I should have saved some more money towards this occasion. I am getting fleeced and I am supposed to be happy about it? I asked a friend why it is compulsory for me to wear the gomesi, and she asked me why I make it my mission to be difficult. Imagine! Not only do I have to pay 10 times (by my own estimation) what the fabric is worth, I also have to pay the seamstress. Now, her case is another matter entirely. I asked her how much it is for her to sew me a dress, nothing too elaborate (as I have no plans to wear this dress again). She says 'oh, my sister, pay what you think I deserve' Now, see me see trouble, how does one even begin to make sense of that. See rock, see hard place and yours truly is bang in the middle. I'll either pay her too little or I'll pay too much. I have to go try on the dress tomorrow, I think then I'll decide on how much I should pay her.

I am happy that my blogging muse chose right now to pay me a visit, I missed the whole of it. Right now, I am actually blogging…...

Friday, February 20, 2009

The audacity of hope..... the Obama story

I have been reading with keen interest president-elect Barack Hussein Obama's book, The audacity of hope and you know I think each and every human being on this planet needs to follow his or her dream, I know every one out there has adream at least.Honestly i thought that i would not live to see a black president this soon and not for the United States of America.

I have been thinking about dreams and not just building castles but big dreams and i have also been wondering how many of us follow our dreams and living our destiny. As of me, i have always dreamt big and am continuing to dream, only the sky is my limit. i always tell my self that there is alot of potential in me that needs to be exploited. However, what amazed me about the Barack Obama story is his audacity. You know they are dreams and they are dreams. How can a " skinny kid with a funny name" dream to be the president of the united states? I mean maybe some of us have thought about it vaguely before but it's one thing to think in your head and it is another to say it out loud. I am amazed.

How many of us have heard that kind of argument for an idea or a dream we have had. I know i have heard it many times from others. The truth is that it is not so much what others are saying about our ideas that hurt , it is the fact that what they are saying is a reflection of our own fears. Sometimes i don't even say my dreams out loud because i have killed them all by myself. At this point, i do not even let myself dream anymore. This takes me back to my question, how did this " skinny kid with a funny name" manage to dream that kind of dream. I mean wanting to be the president of the united states of America. Let's just look at it logically. His father is a foreigner from Kenya ( we all know how people view Africa) , his mother is a "regular person". He is not extremely crazily rich, he is young with not much experience and yeah he is black. May i say that the odds were against him. But still he had the audacity of hoping, of dreaming that he of all people could maybe become the president of the united states of America. This is very encouraging.

Barack Obama story makes me question all the excuses i have used not to follow my dreams.the truth is that i am scared of failure or better yet maybe i am scared of success. Barack Obama has put me to shame and has taken away all my fears. I now want to go back to dreaming like when i was a child. I want to go back to believing that i could be a senator. I want to go back to believing that maybe i can be a lawyer. I want to go back to believing that i do not have to be one specific thing , that i can excel in many different arenas. That truly the sky is the limit. I want to affect and help change the lives of women, the weak and the children. I want to believe that one day my name would be recorded in the history books. God knows i used to dream as a child, i truly believed that i could do anything with God's help.

Now that Barack Obama won, am thankful. Thankful for all the black Americans that have struggled, thankful for all the whites that made this possible, that looked beyond race and who said that we can not take back what we did in the past but we can start making things right now.Thankful for my African continent that all of the sudden became something hot. Thankful for all the broken dreams i ever had.
Above all thankful to God who makes us realise that dreams can come true if we believe in them.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

why do men beat up their ladies?

I have been reading and trying to follow the Chris Brown and Rihanna story, apparently I read some where that the fight was a result of Rihanna suspecting hubby Chris to be cheating on her, the argument started and Chris brown slapped her. The reaction from around the world especially from the showbiz zone doesn’t amuse me at all, tell me is it the first time a man is beating up a lady?
My young sister was too concerned that I asked her to tell me how many women in this world were being battered every hour and nothing was being done to help them out.
I have noticed with keen interest that the most battered women are those from the third world countries I know the developed world has to but the ratio is small as compared to the third world.
Most of the battering is by the way caused by domestic problems, a few days ago neighbor of mine was beaten by the husband reason being she caused the failure of their youngest child, how did this happened if I may ask? The husband claims the lady didn’t take time to teach the child hence the poor results. I find this awkward, I mean the child goes to school and besides he is in boarding school and if the man wanted the lady to educate the child then he should have let the child stay home and probably pay his wife the fees for educating his son.
I know there are a number of women being battered but what has been done to help is the question, in traditional African society, am told its ok for a man to beat his wife, I completely don’t buy this thought, why would the man be allowed to beat his wife and under what circumstances? Marriage I believe is partnership and also commitment so does it mean if you fail to agree, one then has the power to beat the other? Sincerely, I pray that this ends otherwise there is need for Gender equality be it at home or work, we ladies cannot just allow men to beat us up, we were all created equal and I have never seen anywhere that it’s written that it’s ok for the men to beat their wives, girlfriends and lovers.
Both sexualities need to coexist and if one is beaten and wiped out of this Earth, I wonder how the men will live, the good news is that other planets are being discovered to be having life, so the men might as well go there looking for women that’s if they can reproduce otherwise the planet may have to do without any humans.
Think about it, what’s the real reason behind men battering women…? Is it because women are looked at as the weaker sex or is that the way it’s supposed to be? Tell me….
Good day

Friday, February 13, 2009

AFRICAN WOMAN; the single mum

Its been long when I last did some bit of blogging and its because I didn't have the time to do so, rather i didn't have what to write, on second thought I really do have what to write about i think i deserted my blog but i didn't do it intentionally. Am now back and before i forget, how is the new year so far?
Today, am dedicating this abstract to all the single mums out there and I must say that having read the books "Gifted Hands and Think BIG" the two books that i will always keep on reading over and over again. These books have inspired me to be the best of what God has destined for me to be...the books are authored by Ben Carson director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, who is living proof that perseverance, prayer, and self-respect, combined with a devotion to acquiring knowledge, can overcome any obstacles in one's way.
He has performed several surgery of separating Siamese twins - conjoined twins especially those joined at the head!.. in the book, Gifted Hands, he chronicled his life story and talked of his mum, who was a single mum but yet pushed him and his brother to do more with themselves and not just end up like most black children in America to take the easy way out by turning out badly or a jail bird with the excuse of no father to bring them up!(Note: The black woman everyone knows, is a fighter and will always fight that their children come out tops and the best with or without a man!)

I was led to write this post as i watched Cuba Gooding jnr, Oscar winning actor of the 1996 film Jerry Maguire, on the View being interviewed by my "Viewlicious women-Whoopi, Joy, Elizabeth and Sheri. Barbara was away today. Cuba came out to be interviewed looking very hot on a pink shirt and jeans trouser...Elizabeth commented on loving his pink top and he said he was comfortable with his sexuality! So beautiful, and i said "aha" as i am crazy about my husband wearing his pink shirts...i intentionally pick such colors for him as only a real man can pull off those feminine colors and still look like a man! she laughs!

Well.. he got talking about his new movie and the role of portraying the real life Dr. Ben Carson, this was after he had spoken affectingly of his family. He has three children with his wife, two teenage boys and a daughter that is just three years old, who he says rules the house...they indeed feel her presence! lol.
He said in playing the role, he could put himself in the character as he too was brought up by his mum, when she got divorced from his dad and she pushed him too to become the award winning actor he is now.

I can not wait to see the film but indeed i want to use this medium to celebrate all those amazing single mums in my life. That has never given up on themselves and children, though their men bailed out on them...i have seen their pains, silent tears and felt their joy. but amazingly. They have done great jobs in bringing up their children with the help of God, who has constantly been their present help in times of need! I salute you all for seeing motherhood as pure service to God by bringing up Godly seeds...the beauty of their lives is, they have stayed strong and not one day. Have they poisoned the minds of their children against their dads! That to me is the best gift, they have given the children!
Well, back to the single parent, which is the core of this post I must say is one woman who is always out fighting and enduring the scotching sun in order to ensure that her children have a life to live.

I know of a woman who despite being thrown out of her matrimonial home with her children never lost all the hope, she went back to her fathers house from there she grew crops for sell and educated all her children, she fought tooth and nail to feed her little ones and now the children have a good future.
The single parent will at all cost do the undo able to achieve the best for her family, no matter what it takes she is appositive thinker, never looking back but striving to attain her goal. Am always humbled by the way these ladies lead their lives, they have this undying spirit, I cant find the right word to describe this kind of woman, but all I can say is I totally salute every single mother out there, its because of you that we are blessed to have world citizens with a purpose, come to think of it even Obama was raised by a single parent and more less a woman….
Need I say more……… ?